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Picking Up The Brass by Eddy Nugent £1.99 Download and review

Picking Up The Brass is a hilarious, riotous and FHM - approved look at life as a young recruit.

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It's 1985, The Smiths are in the charts and Maggie Thatcher is in No10. Eddy Nugent's in Manchester, he's 16 and he's slowly going out of his mind with boredom. So what does he do? He joins the British Army.

Overnight, he leaves the relative sanity of civvies street and falls headlong into the lunatic parallel universe of basic training: a life of press ups, boot polish and drill.

Gradually, he finds his feet and settles down to life as a soldier. There's still plenty of press ups, boot polish and drill to occupy him, but he finds time for beer, girls and other bad behaviour.
Andy McNab he isn't.

Picking Up The Brass is a hilarious, riotous and FHM - approved look at life as a young recruit.

About the author:

'Eddy Nugent' is the nom de plume of two soldiers, Ian Deacon and Charlie Bell. Closely based on their own experiences, it's a must-read for anyone who has served, anyone who is planning to join up or anyone who's ever thought, 'Surely not every soldier in the Army is trained to kill people with a toothpick?'


The book that Andy McNab wouldn't want you to read! "Picking up the Brass" is a hilarious look at what real life was like for the vast majority of young men who joined the British Army in the Eighties.

It follows Eddy Nugent, a bored fifteen year old, living in Manchester, as he travels through the drinking, swearing and sex-obsessed world of our nation's finest. It takes him from basic training in Harrogate and on to Aldershot and the rum soaked shores of Belize.

Written by two ex-soldiers, the book captures the unique aspects of the British military sense of humour, through the language of 'Squaddie Speak'.

A must for anyone who has served, Antone who is planning to serve or anyone who has ever thought, "Surely everyone in the army isn't trained to kill people with a toothpick?"

Picking Up The Brass by Eddy NugentPicking Up The Brass (fiction)
Eddy Nugent (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £1.99
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You Save: £7.00 (78%)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

At last! A book about the British Army that doesn't make it sound like one long ego trip at the end of which you get to call everyone a "hat" or a REMF, despite the fact that you left years ago and now spend most of your time strapped to a word processor! 

This type of book used to be common place when ex-national servicemen like Spike Milligan got out and got on with poking a bit of fun at themselves and their experiences. Nowadays it seems to be about how far your "stare" goes, how tough you are and how crap everyone else is.

Bell and Deacon have found a way of describing what it is to be one of the anti-elite, an ordinary squaddie, in way that is amusing but truthful. If you served, are serving or are thinking about it, you need to read this book. I can't wait for the sequel. This goes right up there with Milligan, and the Virgin Soldiers series.
The funniest book I have ever read!! Suddenly, the memories from Basic Training, which have haunted me for 11 years don't seem so bad!! I laughed till I cried and drove everyone within earshot insane by frequently trying to read bits aloud through spluttered laughter (sorry Mum). Then passed it on to my dad, who served over thirty years ago, and even he couldn't believe how close to the bone it was!!
... as I can guarantee you'll laugh with such hilarity there's every possibility of involuntary regurgitation through the nose! This down to earth, warts and all tale of a young man's initiation into and progression through the British Army is truly enlightening. Articulately written the author is a born story teller. Don't plan to be busy, once in through the first few lines you'll be loath to put the book down until the end. Quite simply the funniest thing I've read for a very long time. This'll be one purchase you won't regret.

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