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Donovan is a werejaguar sworn to fight against his enemies, the dreaded werewolf clan - the Whitelaws. Isabella is an uncommon librarian, a member of the Committee.
When she faces down the Whitelaws to retrieve a very dangerous book, she encounters Donovan and their lives will never be the same.
This is a novella of about 13,000 words and the first book in the Moon Trilogy. Not for minors.

Black Moon (Fiction)
C.L.Bevill (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
Firstly this is a review of all three books in the trilogy, so if you are going to download Black Moon, fill your kindle with Amber Moon and Silver Moon.
Set in an paranormal world protected by a collective of agents, frequently with gifts or powers of their own, the three stories are closely connected, mirroring each other in many ways. They take you across this world and other realms on a hunt for powerful dark magical items which if connected will spell the end of the world.
Along the way you will meet up with werewolves, werecats, dragons, elves and other fantastic creatures. Each book focuses on one of the destructive items and the story of it's recovery by an agent, and their adventures on the way.
These are good romantic adventure tales, they don't take long to read and hell they are free! There is sex described.
I loved these little tales. They are not perfect but they add up to a good swash buckling adventure, with great characters.
The stories go far in a short time and I look forward to hunting out other works by this author, which I would pay for another time.
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