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Six years after a pandemic devastates the human population, former rock star Chris Price finally makes it from New York to Britain to reunite with his brother. His passage leaves him scarred, in body and mind, by exposure to humankind at its most desperate and dangerous.
But another ordeal awaits him beyond the urban ruins, in an idyllic country refuge where Chris meets a woman, Pauline, who is largely untouched by the world’s horrors. Together, Chris and Pauline undertake the most difficult facet of Chris’s journey: confronting grief, violence, and the man Chris has become. They will discover whether the human spirit is capable of surviving and loving again in this darker, harder world.

Breakdown (fiction)
Katherine Amt Hanna (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £8.99
Kindle Price: £0.99
You Save: £8.00 (89%)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
As a slightly crazy obsessed fan of PA, I picked up Breakdown the moment I saw it. One thing often missing in post-apocalyptic novels is the `what happens after' effect - sure, the tension and action are high during a pandemic, but what is the emotional effect on those left behind, and how do they move on with their lives?
Starting with a prologue in January 2000, a global pandemic smacks down the population of New York, changing the life of Chris in an instant. Estranged from his family and friends in the UK, Chris finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly alone in a world turned on its head.
Breakdown is the story of the fall-out of the epidemic, six years on. Life is fundamentally changed, trading and bartering is back in vogue and families stick together, living in the same house and working together to survive day-to-day life.
The unique side of Breakdown is in exploring the emotional toll of the epidemic that has changed the world and the dynamics of friendships and family relationships. Emotion is high, loyalties are radically changed and priorities have been re-assessed.
What I particularly loved about this book are the characters. They are damaged, changed and, against all odds, positive people - not only trying to survive but thrive. Family bonds are strong, love is more meaningful and the basic things in life are what the characters live and strive for.
Breakdown ends strongly, with high emotion, and although I'm too tough to cry (no tear ducts on zombies!), I couldn't put this book down. If you want a PA book that has heart and soul, Breakdown is the book for you.
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