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Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry 0.20p

Youth (in this case stories aimed at youth) is not just for the young, a great story, beautifully told with characters you will love.

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They say be a good girl, get good grades, be popular.

They know nothing about me. I can’t remember the night that changed my life. The night I went from popular to loner freak. And my family are determined to keep it that way. They said therapy was supposed to help. They didn’t expect Noah.

Noah is the dangerous boy my parents warned me about. But the only one who’ll listen. The only one who’ll help me find the truth. I know every kiss, every promise, every touch is forbidden. But what if finding your destiny means breaking all the rules? A brave and powerful novel about loss, change and growing up, but most of all love.

free books for kindlePushing the Limits (fiction)
Katie McGarry (Author)
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Print List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £0.20
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Reviews from Amazon:
Pushing the Limits is an intriguing and addictive YA contemporary that will make your heart melt. Katie McGarry delivers a unique and unforgettable love story.

Echo and Noah are two troubled teens with unthinkable pasts. They are thrown together at the lowest point of their lives; Echo is battling with the memories of the most horrific night of her life and Noah is losing his visiting rights to see his younger brothers, the only family he has left. When Echo and Noah meet, they don't immediately get along. Echo believes that Noah is a girl-using boy in a black jacket with nothing else to do but get high. Noah thinks Echo is a strange, hot girl who doesn't seem to have a social life. But as time goes buy they realise they have more in common than either them could have guessed.

Wow. Just wow. I knew I was going to like this book from reading many gushing and hyped-up fan girling reviews, I just didn't expect to love this much! The plot, the characters, the writing style, the description, the dialogue, damn, I couldn't bare to put it down to go to the toilet. McGarry had me from chapter 1.

I adore the characters. They all have different, yet entertaining, personalities and interesting backgrounds. My favourite character would definitely be Noah. Sorry! I can't help it. He's strong and tough, but under that there lies something vulnerable, the caring side to him. I loved the flirting between Noah and Echo, many scenes made me laugh out loud and look like a crazy hyena. But, there were also plenty of emotional scenes to get your tears flowing.

Pushing the Limits is simply one of those books that you must read before you die. I promise this book does not disappoint YA fans. I can not WAIT to read Dare You To, the companion novel to Pushing the Limits.
Definitely one of the best stories I have read. Like many other reviewers here, I loved everything about this book; the story, characters, style of writing and I can't wait to read other books by this author. Echo and Noah are a modern day Romeo and Juliet if you must draw copmparisons but their love story is so much more in depth.

Even after reading the entire Kindle book I found myself thinking about them and wishing that I was still involved in the story. I will definitely be reading anything else that comes from Ms McGarry, what a talent she has. A definite keeper and most probably a 'read again' book very soon. Youth ( in this case stories aimed at youth) is not just for the young, a great story, beautifully told with characters you will love. I recommend it highly to 'girls' of all ages.

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