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The Serial Thrillers by Tess Gerritsen - FREE

The Serial Thrillers - 14 Killer Reads for Summer 2012 by Tess Gerritsen

The Serial Thrillers by Tess Gerritsen kindle free books
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This is a selection of some of the best books of 2011. For a preview of 2012’s hottest crime & thriller titles, please download Serial Thrillers 2012.

Within these pages you will find chilling evidence of some of the very best crime novels and thrillers published from now until Christmas.

Be it fascinating forensics or heart-stopping suspense, crime overseas or race-against the clock thriller, in this sampler there is a tantalising extract to tempt every reader.

So make sure the lights are on and your front door is locked, and enjoy your own private investigation into the hottest crime books of the moment . . .

The Serial Thrillers by Tess Gerritsen kindle free booksThe Serial Thrillers (fiction)
Tess Gerritsen (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.00
Kindle Price: £0.00
includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:
This does exactly what it's supposed to do - provides sample chapters from a variety of writers in the thriller genre.

Some of these I'll pick up, some I probably won't, but there are a couple of writers in here I haven't come across before and the download was worth it for that alone.

Speaking of cost - this is free. The only cost to you is the effort of clicking a couple of buttons.

Handing out 1 star reviews when you couldn't be bothered to do that, or didn't read the description is beyond sad. . 

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