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kindle free books Run, Run, Run by Mark Capell

Sometimes the best way to get justice is to run away from it…

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‘Run, Run, Run’ is a crime thriller, a novel that never lets up, taking an ordinary couple into a life they could never envisage.

After giving evidence against a gangster in a murder trial, Dan Thompson is whisked away into the Witness Protection Scheme. But even that can’t protect him and his wife, Sally.

Somebody knows their new identity - somebody who shouldn’t.

Frank Tong is an artist who finds inspiration for his paintings from the violence of his criminal life. When his brother is put away for murder he wants revenge.

And Frank has a mole in the Witness Protection Scheme.

Dan and the pregnant Sally have no choice. They have to flee. They go on the run from both sides of the law.

They must learn to lie, steal, shoot and fight to survive.

They can’t use their credit cards, cash machines, mobile phones - anything that will give away their location. They must constantly look over their shoulder. It’s living life like a criminal - a difficult task for two law abiding people.

What will it take to return to a normal life? How far are they prepared to go? What will they sacrifice for their freedom?

‘Run, Run, Run’ is a crime thriller that will have your heart racing and your mind buzzing.

…Sometimes the best way to get justice is to run away from it…

free books for kindleRun, Run, Run (fiction)
Mark Capell (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.59
Kindle Price: £1.59 
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

I loved the premise of this and enjoyed thinking about the dilemma that Sally and Dan are in. The book kept me up all night as I needed to know the end, and it was gripping. A good story, interesting characters and great pace. It is a bit gory in places but I just skipped those bits- maybe I am a bit of a wuss. I really wanted there to be a sequel; would love these characters to be further developed. Great read, fascinating moral dilemmas. What would I have done.......I really, really don't know!
I really like this book! It won't be for everyone as this does edge on the dark side of thrillers but I found it easy to connect with and utterly compelling - and with enough twists and turns to keep me engrossed to the last page. If you are looking for a page turner with a bit of bite then you couldn't do much better than this. Will keep the cold at bay for a few nights this winter!
he story rattled along at a good pace but I found myself getting a bit irritated at the antics of the central characters and felt that some of their actions were a bit unrealistic given the situation they found themselves in.

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