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FREE: The Black Sheep by Julie Cohen - kindle free books

Ten-year-old Liza and Lee Haven are identical twins, but they couldn’t be more different. 

The Black Sheep
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en-year-old Liza and Lee Haven are identical twins, but they couldn’t be more different.

Lee is the good twin, and Liza is the bad. And when Liza is selected to be a sheep in the horrific nightmare that is the annual Christmas Pageant, she knows she has to do something to shake up the residents of Stoneguard.

A wry, funny standalone short story from the world of Getting Away With It, by Julie Cohen

The Black Sheep by Julie CohenThe Black Sheep (fiction)
Julie Cohen (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £0.77
Kindle Price: £0.00 
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You Save: £0.77 (100%)
Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:
Very short story, less than 30 minutes to read. The description provided is accurate. The village is hosting the first Christmas play. Liza has been chosen to play a sheep, much to her horror. 

Her twin sister, Lee, is playing Mary. As Liza can't get out of performing in the play, she decides to liven things up a little. Would be a lovely coffee break read, sitting in front of the Christmas tree. By the time I read this, it was February, but still enjoyed the story.
Liza and Lee are twins. Lee is the well behaved one and is picked to play Mary in the town's Christmas pageant. Liza finds herself playing a sheep - not a part she would have chosen for herself.

What happens when no one will accept her refusal to play the part makes amusing reading. I had not read anything by this author before but I may well try one of her novels having enjoyed this short story. She writes in an amusing was and creates some interesting characters.
Very funny story - leaves you wanting more - I loved it. I read it on Kindle - if it had been illustrated, I would have enjoyed it even more, I'm sure.

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