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Freud enthusiastically outlines his approach to the unconscious, dreams and the theory of neuroses
The book "A general introduction to Psychoanalysis" is one of the most famous works of Sigmund Freud. In it Freud enthusiastically outlines his approach to the unconscious, dreams, the theory of neuroses and some technical issues in the form in which it was formulated at the time of reading the lectures in Vienna in 1916-1917.
The second part ("new lecture series, from 29th to 35th) has never been read before to public, it features a different style of presentation, sometimes requiring the reader to training, and sometimes polemical.
Freud allows for lively argument and, is constantly engaging the reader in a discussion to justify their views, back them up with examples from life and from clinical practice,
According to the preface:
These twenty-eight lectures to laymen are elementary and almost conversational. Freud sets forth with a frankness almost startling the difficulties and limitations of psychoanalysis, and also describes its main methods and results as only a master and originator of a new school of thought can do.
These discourses are at the same time simple and almost confidential, and they trace and sum up the results of thirty years of devoted and painstaking research. While they are not at all controversial, we incidentally see in a clearer light the distinctions between the master and some of his distinguished pupils.

Sigmund Freud (Author)
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Kindle Price: £0.00
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
If you have little or no contact with psychoanalysis, Freud's basic texts are where you should begin.
Freud is names who although most people recognize few have read. His book “A general introduction to Psychoanalysis is probably his most well known. A good place to start reading about Psycho analysis if you have an interest in the subject or just want to know more about the man.
I enjoyed reading this book more than I thought I would. In it Freud often argues against himself and allows the reader to examine his ideas from many different views.
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General Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud kindle free books download
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