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Michael McIntyre has become Britain’s biggest comedy star. His debut stand-up DVD was the fastest selling of all time, only to be eclipsed by his second that sold over 1.4 million copies and was the 2009 Christmas number one. He hosts his own BAFTA nominated BBC1 series, Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, and won the British Comedy Award for Best Live Stand-up in 2009 following his record breaking fifty-four date Arena tour.
But how did he get there?
Michael reveals all in his remarkably honest and hilarious autobiography Life and Laughing. His showbiz roots, his appalling attempts to attract the opposite sex, his fish-out-of-water move from public to state school and his astonishing journey from selling just one ticket at the Edinburgh Festival to selling half a million tickets on his last tour. Michael’s story is riveting, poignant, romantic and above all very, very funny.

Michael McIntyre (Author)
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Print List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £3.99 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
I really enjoyed this autobiography. It was nice to find out about the 'real' Michael McIntyre behind the stage version. Who knew such a seemingly confident man struggled just as much as the rest of us. To go from drowning in debt to where he is now is truly an astonishing story. After reading this book it makes me like him even more. The book is funny with McIntyre experiencing hilarious romantic problems but also at times poignant and at one point I had tears in my eyes!
Even though I knew that McIntyre was going to succeed there is a point in the book that I was so caught up in it (when he's crying at the Edinburgh Gala with his wife) that I had to remind myself that I already knew that everything would turn out alright in the end! I would definately recommend this book and I hope it does very well- McIntyre deserves all the success he gets!