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'Benedict and Le Faye provide in their respective volumes a generous, helpful, and historically informed introduction to the work and its reception; a set of informative, judicious explanatory notes; and a meticulously prepared and visually well presented text. The Northanger Abbey edition is excellent and offers a magnificent summary.'
Devoney Looser, University of Missouri

Jane Austen (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
Catherine Morland leaves her large family and travels to Bath with a wealthy older couple to experience the 'season' there. Young and naive, she falls in love with Henry Tilney, who is charmed by her lack of guile. She forms a strong friendship with Isabel Thorpe, who introduces her to the joys of the gothic novel. Catherine is spellbound, and starts to see gothic intrigue and melodrama in everything around her.
This is probably Jane Austen's easiest, least complex novel. The humour of the novel lies in Catherine's innocence, contrasted with the flirtatious machinations of her friend Isabel, to which Catherine is utterly oblivious, and her fascination with the gothic novel, which leads her to see murderers and mystery all around her. Compared to, say, Emma, or Persuasion, this is a lightweight novel which doesn't operate on very many levels. The characters don't have the same attraction as Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy. However, Austen's ability to portray people's foibles (such as in the exquisitely awful Isabel and her brother John) makes the novel thoroughly enjoyable.