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This weeks Free books from Kindle free books:
FREE: The Secret Agent a Simple Tale by Joseph Conrad
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The story is set in London in 1886 and deals largely with the life of Mr. Verloc and his job as a spy. The Secret Agent is also notable as it is one of Conrad's later political novels, which move away from his typical tales of seafaring. The novel deals broadly with the notions of anarchism, espionage, and terrorism. It portrays anarchist or revolutionary groups before many of the social uprisings of the twentieth century. However, it also deals with exploitation, particularly with regard to Verloc's relationship with his brother-in-law Stevie.
FREE: The Rainbow by D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence
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Set in the rural midlands of England, The Rainbow revolves around three generations of the Brangwen family over a period of more than sixty years, setting them against the emergence of modern England. When Tom Brangwen marries a Polish widow and adopts her daughter as his own, he is unprepared for the conflict and passion that erupt. Suffused with biblical imagery, The Rainbow addresses searching human issues in a setting of precise and vivid detail.
Universal Dual USB Charger Battery Pack for all mobile devices
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Over 3000 Customer reviews on AmazonAnker® Astro E5 15000mAh Dual USB Portable Charger Ultra-High Density External Battery Pack for iPad Air, Mini, iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, Galaxy S5, S4, S3, Note 3, Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10, HTC One, One 2 (M8), Motorola Droid, LG Optimus, MOTO X and more- Black
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Over 3000 Customer reviews on AmazonAnker® Astro E5 15000mAh Dual USB Portable Charger Ultra-High Density External Battery Pack for iPad Air, Mini, iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, Galaxy S5, S4, S3, Note 3, Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10, HTC One, One 2 (M8), Motorola Droid, LG Optimus, MOTO X and more- Black
FREE: Guy Fawkes or The Gunpowder Treason by William Harrison Ainsworth
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Guy Fawkes is often portrayed as evil or even demonic in literature, but here we see a more likeable person. Reading this today we can see parallels with our modern world with regards to religious terrorism. As the conspirators plot secretly to carry out their plan it is inevitable that more and more people learn that something is astir. From the opening scene where two Catholic priests are executed this book is action packed, with loads of derring-do, prison escapes, torture, treason and informants. As the Government become aware of some sort of plot thus starts a game of cat and mouse with the conspirators, taking the action right to the wire before making a definitive move. John Buchan creates from this idea 14 self-sufficient short stories, spanning about 1000 years, each successive one several generations, or even centuries, further forward in time.
FREE: Candide by Voltaire
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French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism (or simply Optimism) by his mentor, Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow, painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world.
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FREE: Path of the King by John Buchan
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Great leaders or creative geniuses may seem to arise from humble backgrounds, but who knows whether they have descended from great men or rulers in the distant past, maybe from a line of younger sons who have had to fight for success. “We none of us know our ancestors beyond a little way. We all of us may have kings’ blood in our veins …The spark once transmitted may smoulder for generations under ashes, but the appointed time will come, and it will flare up to warm the world.

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