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This weeks Free books from Kindle free books:
FREE: Freehold (Freehold Series Book 1) by Michael Z. Williamson
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Sergeant Kendra Pacelli is innocent, but that doesn't matter to the repressive government pursuing her. Mistakes might be made, but they are never acknowledged, especially when billions of embezzled dollars earned from illegal weapons sales are at stake. But where does one run when all Earth and most settled planets are under the aegis of one government? Answer: The Freehold of Grainne. There, one may seek asylum and build a new life in a society that doesn't track its residents every move, which is just what Pacelli has done. But now things are about to go royally to hell. Because Earth's government has found out where she is, and they want her back. Or dead.
FREE: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
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Marlowe gives a chilling portrayal of a man who chooses to have the world - particularly through magic - temporarily in exchange for his soul eternally. Whenever Dr. Faustus questions his own choice, the Devil beseeches him and he reaffirms that choice. Dr. Faustus's intrigue with magic is all the more chilling in the historical context of Elizabethan England, when it was written, generally, and in particular the activities of her adviser John Dee and his fascination with the black arts. The play is no empty fantasy but a withering criticism of Dee and of the dabbling done during Elizabeth's reign, written with insight and wit. Those who try to summon and command angels will deal with the fallen angels.
Universal Dual USB Charger Battery Pack for all mobile devices
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Over 3000 Customer reviews on AmazonAnker® Astro E5 15000mAh Dual USB Portable Charger Ultra-High Density External Battery Pack for iPad Air, Mini, iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, Galaxy S5, S4, S3, Note 3, Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10, HTC One, One 2 (M8), Motorola Droid, LG Optimus, MOTO X and more- Black
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Over 3000 Customer reviews on AmazonAnker® Astro E5 15000mAh Dual USB Portable Charger Ultra-High Density External Battery Pack for iPad Air, Mini, iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, Galaxy S5, S4, S3, Note 3, Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10, HTC One, One 2 (M8), Motorola Droid, LG Optimus, MOTO X and more- Black
FREE: The Small House at Allington by Anthony Trollope
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The Small House at Allington is perhaps Trollope's gentlest and most charming story, less satirical than its predecessors in the Barchester series, less shaded with tragic overtones than The Last Chronicle. The characters are drawn with humour and affection, the social and political landscape in which they live shrewdly etched, and the story of Lily Dale is generally agreed to be among Trollope's most successful attempts to portray the psychology of love.
FREE: The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Francis Child
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First published in 1828, Lydia Maria Child's The American Frugal Housewife was an extremely popular nineteenth-century manual for homemakers. Interesting recipes and remedies, advice on parenting and the myriad responsibilities of housekeeping are all put forth in straightforward, no-nonsense, Yankee prose. Mrs. Child was an early feminist and abolitionist who supported her family through her various literary activities as a writer, a pamphleteer and an editor.
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FREE: 200+ Mulla Nasrudin Stories and Jokes by Rodney Ohebsion
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Mulla Nasrudin is the starring character in a vast number of amusing tales told in regions all over the world, particularly in countries in or near the Middle East. Each tale depicts Nasrudin in a different situation, and through his viewpoint they humorously reveal commentary and lessons on various life themes. Half seer and half judge his perspective on life leads to sometimes interesting observations about the nature of reality.

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Saturday Free Books 30th Aug
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