Today's Book is Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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FREE: Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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What begins as a middle-aged country gentleman absorbed with novels of chivalry deliberately evolves into a tale of purely imaginative knight-errantry in this highly influential work of the Spanish Golden Age. Don Quixote and his 'squire' Sancho Panza to go on quests that just as often as not land them in trouble or earn them the incredulity of those fully engaged in reality. While initially farcical, the novel slowly reveals a more philosophical thread exploring the theme of deception, all the while creating emotional and mental reversals in the two main figures that take them from tilting at windmills to fully comprehending reality.

£12.99 See This on Amazon UK
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The Marware Stylus provides a smooth, pen-like writing or drawing experience directly on your tablet display.
Official "Made for Kindle" accessory. Smooth gliding, responsive rubber tip works perfectly with the capacitive touch screen of your Kindle Fire Tablet. With a Pen-like feel and Clip for attaching easily to portfolio. Compatible with all capacitive touch screens.
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra free
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