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When will Justin Statham realize what he's missing? Can't he see that his ONE is here, right under his nose, ie. ME! Maybe he's heard that I'm rubbish at snogging? I need to brush up on my technique-and fast! Or perhaps I am just generally unlovable ...after all, I am practically a medical midget and my hair is completely mental!
I'm Rachel Riley - welcome to my so-called life. Will Rachel succeed in her quest to find the ONE? Or will she just end up with a big, fat ZERO? Not suitable for younger readers.

The Life of Riley (fiction)
Joanna Nadin (Author)
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Print List Price: £6.99
Kindle Price: £0.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
The second instalment in the Rachel Riley series, this time, Rachel's diary details her quest to find THE ONE.
Rachel's life remains frustratingly normal (too normal, she thinks) but luckily for the readers, normal still makes for a lot of hilarious situations. Rachel lives with her insane family, in a house that's full to bursting since Grandpa moved in with his care worker and their offspring, Rachel's uncle Baby Jesus. The dog is still eating everything in sight (edible or not), Rachel's mum is attempting to learn to drive and the neighbour is coming on to Rachel's dad. In the midst of it all, Rachel's desperate to find a boyfriend, but she and her friends all seem very unlucky in love.
Very, very funny, and as with the first book, has lots of crossover appeal, so this is one teens and adults alike will enjoy. Rachel's character is developing, and she's still as lively and fun as ever. This is an easy read, perfect for dipping in and out of, although some of the slightly saucier references make it unsuitable for younger readers. Packed to the brim with wickedly naughty scenarios, there are tons of great observations and modern references to keep you entertained.
My daughter (aged 11) had read the previous book and desperately wanted to read the rest of the series. This is just as funny as the others, very appealing to a young teenager (Rachel Riley, the main character, is 13 or 14 I think) but the whole family had fits of giggles as it is so witty and full of stylish humour and sly jokes for the adults. My son aged 13 is now grabbing the books to catch up, for the insight into girls and social life (Goths, chavs, vintage, school politics etc).
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