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Fifty Sheds of Grey by C. T. Grey 0.20p

Fifty Sheds of Grey: Erotica for the Not-too-modern Male by C. T. Grey

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Hurt me!' she begged, raising her skirt as she bent over the workbench. 'Very well,' I replied, 'You've got fat ankles and no dress sense.'

Colin Grey's life was happy and simple until the day everything changed - the day his wife read THAT book. Suddenly, he was thrust head-first into a dark, illicit world of pleasure and pain. This is the story of one man's struggle against a tide of tempestuous, erotic desire and of the greatest love of all: the love between a man and his shed.

WARNING: This book contains graphic shed-based images. Please don't look if you are easily offended.

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Fifty Sheds of Grey (fiction)
C. T. Grey (Author)
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Print List Price: £9.99
Kindle Price: £0.20
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon: 

Have followed on twitter for a while and this is hilarious! We have been in tears of laughter. Hoping for a next book and more tweets! 
It took me about five times to correctly read the title of this book!! Having read the 50 shades trilogy this was a good follow up! Especially for just 20p! A good laugh out loud book.
Definitely better than the original! I purchased this for a Secret Santa at work (Limit was £5). Actually it cost my boss a few hundred quid in lost production as the whole morning was spent reciting passages plus a lot of laughing. But hey, what's the cost of putting a smile on the face of the workforce. Priceless!
This author continues to surprise and delight twitter followers daily with his/her mastery of the English language, and the book is a wonderful collection of these hilarious jokes. Holding up an idea, he/she takes the reader along, and just when we think we know where we're going, turns us around through twists, bends and turns so unpredictable that we never see them coming. This book is a fast read, funny to both men and women, and sure to leave the reader giggling long after putting the book down. I predict it will be one of those I pick up again and again to reread. From the master of words, this one is a masterpiece. 

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