Welcome to Kindle free books.
All the books in the right hand column can be downloaded to your Kindle or Kindle app software.
What device do you read e books with?
OK dear browsers, I expect the majority of viewers to this page will have in their possession or have access to one of the Amazon Kindle devices.
You might download your books directly to your Kindle or download them to your computer and then copy them onto your kindle.
Thanks to Amazon books can be downloaded from your account and transferred via Amazon Whispernet to your device.
But are you aware that kindle ebooks, in fact most ebooks can be downloaded and read on many devices?
Amazon.com - Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices
At the time of writing the kindle app software is was available for
So there is no need to actually own a Kindle to read Amazon Kindle books.
So my question to you is. . .
What device do you use to read your kindle books on?
The reason this works is.because the format of the e books needs to be decoded and displayed via a software program or App reader.
The text of the book always remains the same only the software code telling the device how to be opened and displayed is different.
The type of reader needed can be discovered by looking at the extender, or the letters after the file name.
If you download a book file to your computer you can view the extender by right clicking your mouse on the book file and viewing the properties.

So by doing an internet search for devices that can read .azw files I can see that
“The *.azw files with DRM can be read only in the Amazon Kindle device or Amazon Kindle applications, but AZW files without DRM can be read for example in the Mobipocket Reader Desktop. Just rename .azw file extension to .mobi or .prc.”
Now Amazon have made the kindle app software so these books can be read on many devices.
So there is no need to actually own a Kindle to read Amazon Kindle books.
So my question to you is. . .
What device do you use to read your kindle books on?
What device do you read e books with?
Why not look at the original website and find many more kindle free books available now