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The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes £3.67

A Poignant Portrait of the costs and benefits of friendship, time passing and of love.

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"The Sense of an Ending" is almost more of a novella - it's a slim volume but exquisitely written, as you might expect from Julian Barnes. It starts off describing the relationships between four friends at school, narrated by one of the friends, Tony Webster, but quickly it becomes clear that this is written many years later. Barnes has long been a terrific observer of the English middle classes and his style invariably contains satire and dry humour. And this being Barnes, this school clique is intellectual in interest, as the narrator recalls English and History teachers and student philosophising.

free books for kindleThe Sense of an Ending (fiction)
Julian Barnes (Author)
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Print List Price: £7.99
Kindle Price: £3.67
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Reviews from Amazon:

In some ways The Sense Of An Ending by Julian Barnes is far too short. Tony Webster, the novel's central character and first person narrator, lives most of his adult life in relative anonymity. He marries, works to earn his living, raises a daughter and perhaps blends into the suburban landscape of outer London's long terraces with their fair-weather-only gardens. During these intervening years, how often did Veronica cross his mind? And when she did, just how much of their courting did he recall, and how much did he have to re-invent? Compared to the vivid recollections of school and university years, Anthony's take on his intervening adulthood seems scant in the extreme, dismissive even.

We would like to know more about Anthony, because Julian Barnes's novel is pure, unadulterated joy to read. This character is so rounded and three dimensional that often it feels like he is in the room, telling his story. His manner would be quite assertive, but also self-deprecating, without that force of delivery that would suggest confidence. Surely he is a reflective type, but like most of us he is not good at reading others' motives, especially when these do not coincide with his own. This inability will have significant bearing on this novel's own sense of an ending.


A very different sort of book with a great writing style. If you enjoy a well written book read this one. It kept me absorbed and guessing right to the end. 

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