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The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson kindle free books

 The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson

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"The Black Arrow" is an exciting adventure story set in the 15th century England, when the houses of York and Lancaster fought against each other for this country's throne.

Richard Shelton has to decide whether to ally with his treacherous guardian Sir Daniel Brackley against the fellowship of The Black Arrow, or try to rescue his beloved Joanna Sedley, who Sir Daniel has kidnapped.

We follow young though brave Dick through towns and forests, across rivers and into hidden passages.

Danger and adventure that don't slacken once in the whole novel plus a generous quota of love make "The Black Arrow" a book to be enjoyed by everyone who appreciates the fruits of a great imagination such as was Stevenson's.

The Black Arrow by Robert Louis StevensonThe Black Arrow (fiction)
Robert Louis Stevenson (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.99
Kindle Price: £0.00 
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Reviews from Amazon:

"The Black Arrow" is R. L. Stevenson at his best. With a smooth, proper style Stevenson creates complex, conflictive characters in an adventure full of emotion and thrills. For anyone who likes adventure, this novel is going to be one of his/her favorites because in this book Stevenson combines beauty with danger.
I'm getting more and more into RLS, and this book is another cracker. You can't help turning the pages and wanting more. Set aside a wet afternoon and enjoy.
It's York versus Lancaster, but it's from the viewpoint of a young man, fated to avenge his father's death and find his true love against the backdrop of the bloody 15th century War of the Roses. Stevenson does a bang-up-job of developing his characters, and the atmosphere is palpable. Try keeping this one out of your hands.

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