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No Good Deed by M.P. McDonald £1.91 Download and review

An old camera found in an Afghanistan bazaar gives Mark Taylor more than great photos.

No Good Deed by  M.P. McDonald
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Mark Taylor discovers first hand that no good deed goes unpunished when the old camera he found during a freelance job in an Afghanistan bazaar gives him more than great photos.

It triggers dreams of disasters. Tragedies that happen exactly as he envisions them. He learns that not only can he see the future, he can change it.

Then the unthinkable happened and everyone ignored his frantic warnings. Thousands die. Suddenly, the Feds are pounding on his door and the name they have for Taylor isn't urban hero.

It's enemy combatant. And, it means they can do anything they want to him. Anything at all.

No Good Deed by M.P. McDonaldNo Good Deed (fiction)
M.P. McDonald (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.91
Kindle Price: £1.91
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:

As I'm writing this it's late on 9/11, the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. News, internet discussion, and talk wherever I've gone has been about this. Islamic friends around the US are concerned about rumours of protests outside of mosques and burning of Qur'ans in a country founded on the precept of religious freedom and tolerance.
By now you're asking, what does this have to do with "No Good Deed"? 

Twenty years ago this book couldn't have been written. Partly because the events of 9/11 figure into the plot, but more importantly because the actions of the government would have been unthinkable pre-9/11. "No Good Deed" is both entertaining and suspenseful, but, regardless of your politics, should get you thinking. Are the responses to 9/11 making the US a better or worse place to live? 

Do we really win when laws are passed making it easier to combat terrorists if it also lessens our rights? Shouldn't the idea of "innocent until proven guilty" still apply today? "No Good Deed" gives you a chance to consider these questions from a perspective many of us haven't.
Take a large dose of suspense, add some thrills and chills, a few suspected terrorists, a too-powerful and paranoid government, then weave in a bit of romance, and what do you have: NO GOOD DEED. This author has written a fast-paced, tightly-plotted book that I found highly entertaining. The torture scenes were disturbing, but they were integral to the story. I look forward to reading more novels by Mary McDonald.
The hero is psychic and foresees bad events which he tries to prevent. One of those is 9/11. The authorities don't believe his story and treat him like the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. 

He is detained without trial and tortured for a year. It is at this point that the book loses its 5th star - the torture scenes are sketchily described and have much less impact than they might - it comes across as a bit uncomfortable. After his release his inability to re-adjust and fear of re-incarceration come through with more realism.

Well worth reading and a wake-up call for anyone unsure about the morality of waterboarding and special rendition.

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