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Ghost Stories of an Antiquary contains several mesmerising ghost stories that will stay with you long after you have read them. James' prose style is deceptively simple, but it has a hypnotic effect that allows him to really engage with the reader's imagination.

Montague Rhodes James (Author)
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Print List Price: £13.45
Kindle Price: £0.00 includes VAT & free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
I am a big fan of ghost stories, and enjoy nothing more than choosing a scary book to read over the Halloween period. And so you can imagine my joy when Amy introduced me to the works of M. R. James. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary was his first collection of ghost stories, published in 1904.
The tales all follow a similar route - a build up of otherworldly hints topped off by a ghastly visitation - and all are very enjoyable. What I liked most about the stories were his descriptions of building. Wonderful.
Because I read it on the Kindle I could look up architectural words I didn't know right away. As each unwitting lead character arrives at a holiday destination or new country mansion that they have recently inherited we picture their locale perfectly.
What is also excellent is the way in which each story has a very creepy undertone. There is always mention of witchcraft or the occult early on to pique the interest, this is then investigated in libraries or via local hearsay, before something unnatural arrives. An it is the arrival of the unnatural that is the cherry on the cake.
Always unnerving, sometimes freaky, often grotesque, they never fail to send a shiver down the spine. I look forward to reading more M. R. James in the future.
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