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A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys (1852) is a children's book written by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne in which he rewrites myths from Greek mythology. It was followed by a sequel, Tanglewood Tales for Boys and Girls.
The stories are all stories within a story, the frame story being that a Williams College student, Eustace Bright, is telling these tales to a group of children at Tanglewood, an estate in Lenox, Massachusetts, where Hawthorne lived for a time.
A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys covers the myths of
The Gorgon's Head
The Golden Touch
The Paradise of Children
The Three Golden Apples
The Miraculous Pitcher
The Chimæra

Nathaniel Hawthorne (Author)
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Reviews from Amazon:
Another book not read in school, though this one wasn't a familiar title so it was a nice find to read as well.