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Film fanatic Rob Smith is thirty-eight, newly single and on the wrong side of two marriages.
Rob's looking to get back into dating but quickly discovers that in the ten years he's been married the rules of the game have changed. After a couple of disastrous blind dates, Rob strikes it lucky when he meets the supremely confident Jenny on URdate.com.
As Rob blunders his way through their early dates, he begins to discover there's a price to pay for the upturn in his sexual fortunes.
Rob has to deal with an anarchic house, three teenage boys, his own sexual inadequacies and the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that, just maybe, Jenny is not all that she seems.
If all that's not enough his best mate Steve's insatiable desire to be crowned 'Halton and District over 35s Five-a-side Champions' is adding to the pressure.
Will love, sex and Tesco's finest cava be enough to see him through?

Steve Carter (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Digital List Price: £2.00
Kindle Price: £1.14 includes VAT & free wireless delivery
via Amazon Whispernet
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Reviews from Amazon:
This made me cry with laughter. Expertly crafted, and totally contemporary in today's climate of internet dating, it's a mixture of black humour, laugh out loud comedic moments, and real poignancy, interspersed with real insight into how Rob actually feels as he tries valiantly to pursue and snare the woman of his dreams. Come on, how often do we get to hear about relationship angst from a bloke's point of view? Mr Carter has created a new genre...lad lit....and this definitely deserves a look. Rob and the characters who are part of his life (I especially had a soft spot for Simon Drysdale) will stay with you for a long time. Thoroughly recommended.....buy it.