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FREE: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (fiction) kindle ebook review and download

#FREE Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (fiction) #kindle #ebook

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Early reviews of Wuthering Heights were mixed in their assessment. Whilst most critics recognised the power and imagination of the novel, many found the story unlikeable and ambiguous.Released in 1847, at a time when the background of the author was deemed to have an important impact on the story itself, many critics were also intrigued by the authorship of the novels. H. F. Chorley of the Athenaeum said that it was a "disagreeable story" and that the 'Bells' (Brontës) "seem to affect painful and exceptional subjects". The Atlas review called it a "strange, inartistic story", but commented that every chapter seems to contain a "sort of rugged power". It supported the second point made in the Athenaeum, suggesting that the general effect of the novel was "inexpressibly painful", but adding that all of its subjects were either "utterly hateful or thoroughly contemptible".

The Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper critique was more positive, emphasizing the "great power" of the novel and its provocative qualities; it said that it was a "strange sort of book—baffling all regular criticism" and that, "it is impossible to lay it aside afterwards and say nothing about it". Although the Examiner agreed on the strangeness, it saw the book as "wild, confused; disjointed and improbable". The Britannia review mirrored those comments made on the unpleasant characters, arguing that it would have been a "far better romance" if the characters were not "nearly as violent and destructive as [Heathcliff]". The unidentified review was less critical, considering it a "work of great ability" and that "it is not every day that so good a novel makes its appearance".

Wuthering Heights (Classics)
Emily Bronte (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
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Reviews from Amazon:

Like most people I have read this book countless times over the years, and I know that it has led to at least one person being inspired enough to become an author themselves. I think everyone must know the tale of Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, their all consuming love and passion that ultimately results in their downfall and destruction, and also that of those who surround them.

If you have never read the book before and only ever seen tv and film adaptations, now is the time to sit back and enjoy this free kindle edition.