Not What She Seems by Victorine E. Lieske - kindle free books

A New York Times bestseller!

Not What She Seems by Victorine E. Lieske
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A New York Times bestseller! 

 Steven Ashton, a billionaire from New York, and Emily Grant, on the run from the law...and when they meet he can’t help falling for her. What he doesn’t know is that interfering in her life will put his own life in danger. When billionaire Steven Ashton couldn’t stand his high society social life any more, he left the stress of New York on a vacation for his soul.

The need to meet real down to earth people led him to a small Nebraska town. He didn’t want to lie about who he was, but he couldn’t exactly tell them the truth. Emily could have easily fallen in love with Steven, under different circumstances, but her past was catching up with her and she needed a new life.

If the authorities found out about her, she could lose the one thing that meant everything, her four year old son.

Not What She Seems is approximately 67,000 words long. This book is a "sweet" romantic suspense, appropriate for all ages.

Not What She Seems by Victorine E. LieskeNot What She Seems (fiction)
Victorine E. Lieske (Author)
customer reviews (Yes)
Print List Price: £1.94
Kindle Price: £0.00 
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled

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Reviews from Amazon:

From the moment Steven Ashton runs across Emily Grant in the hallway of a motel, you know they are going to meet again. And they do. Steven is a billionaire who wants to get lost for a while. Emily is on the run with her small son and a man who has manipulated her into thinking he is her saviour. Emily has a secret. For her son's sake she has kept running. 

Eventually her past begins to catch up with her. As the attraction grows between her and Steven, she finds it more and more difficult to keep running. At the same time, Steven begins to realize that things he knows about Emily don't add up, but he can't help himself from falling for her. With Steven's help, Emily returns to her home town to straighten out her life. An old mystery is brought to light and eventually solved, but not before Emily and Steven are nearly killed by someone who is mentally unbalanced.
Surely the value of a book is that urge one feels to get back to it, and leave other jobs undone! That is what I felt with this, the first book by Victorine I have read, but it most certainly won't be the last.

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